Accenti for Windows allows you to easily write the correct Italian accents and signs using any PC keyboard (US, UK, German, Italian, etc.)
Accenti for iOS is a custom keyboard that features the same award-winning Italian text input technology.
Accenti is ideal for:
- All writers of Italian
- Students
- Educational institutions
- Multinational, multilanguage organizations
Accent and apostrophe errors are corrected automatically as you type. Accenti works in combination with any other application, and does not interfere when writing in other languages such as English. An intuitive "trust & override" mechanism puts more sophisticated writers in control of a wider range of characters and options.
Do you teach Italian? If so, Accenti will become a precious tool for your students, allowing you to focus on the language and culture, and not on computer technicalities such as "Alt+Number" keyboard commands.
Not only students, but all institutions and speakers of Italian can use Accenti to create uncompromising texts without using an Italian keyboard. Even skilled writers of Italian use Accenti every day (some accent differences can confuse even experts, and Italian keyboards don't have all accented capital letters).
Accenti also includes a set of intuitive shortcut options to place accents in languages such as German, French and Spanish.
Accenti is free for personal use. Site licenses are available.